Our Work
Leadership development and organizing
SAAN strives to keep our membership abreast of leadership, policy, and organizing initiatives and connects members to opportunities to grow on many levels. We point advocates to leadership development programs and groups that engage advocates around a particular issue or constituency. Consider the following opportunities:
SAAN Black Advocacy Group: SAAN Leadership Development/ Communities of Color is seeking a new group leader for Black survivors to discuss ways to support each other and other Black advocates with whom we work, and ultimately to create safe space for us to come together and talk about joys and challenges we face both as advocates and as part of the Black community. If you are interested in learning more and/or to join the group, contact HuNia Bradley, thesaanteam@gmail.com
SAAN LatinX Advocacy Group: The LatinX Advocacy Survivors Group engages leaders in the gender-based violence prevention movement to grow a deeper understanding of interpersonal violence and more effectively advocate for LatinX survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. leads efforts to educate the advocacy community on survivor needs in these communities, and facilitate a networking and discussion space for immigrant advocates. For more information or to get involved, email thesaanteam@gmail.com.