About Us
Have a question? Need guidance? SAAN Advisors can help.
SAAN Advisors are members with extensive knowledge and/or expertise in one or more aspects of sexual assault prevention. Advisors are available to provide guidance and information to members on their focus area.
To contact an advisor with a question or for guidance, send them an email or email us.
Campus sexual assault
Celeste Iroha, Campus Sexual Assault Prevention Advocate: ciroha@terpmail.umd.edu
Child sexual abuse
Sharyn Higdon Jones, LMFT and author: sharynjonesmft@gmail.com
Bill Murray, founder of NAASCA: Bmurray3rd@aol.com
Clergy abuse
Bill Murray, founder of NAASCA: Bmurray3rd@aol.com
Communities of color advisor and survivor support
Community organizing
Crime Victims Rights
Lael Hill, BSW, Indiana Coalition for Crime Victims Rights: Lael_hill81@yahoo.com
Domestic violence
Mildred D. Muhammad, Award-Winning Global Keynote Speaker, Certified Domestic Violence Advocate, Domestic Abuse Survivor, Certified Consultant with the U.S. Department of Justice/Office for Victims of Crime: TheSAANcommunity@gmail.com
Michael Skinner, survivor and advocate: mikeskinner@comcast.net
Indigenous communities
Male sexual assault
Bill Murray, founder of NAASCA: Bmurray3rd@aol.com
Mental health and trauma
Sharyn Higdon Jones, LMFT and author: sharynjonesmft@gmail.com
Military sexual assault
Nonprofit formation
Rachael Cain, Outreach Director for 4Sarah Inc., AL Chapter:
Public Policy
Courtney Jones, English law and French law student, University of Exeter: courtneyjonesca@gmail.com
Publishing Your Story
Rape kits
Sexual assault investigations
Sex trafficking
Eileen Dong, Public Speaker, Expert Cross-Culture Advisor and Ambassador, Sexual Abuse, Sex Trafficking, and Domestic Abuse Prevention
School-based sexual violence
Statute of limitations
Survivor-advocate networking
HuNia V. Bradley, Executive Director, SAAN , thesaanteam@gmail.com
Survivor support
Stevie Croisant, Founder, We are HER: stevie@weareher.net
Sally Linn, Sexual Assault Prevention Educator and owner of Truth Speaks: Tssallylinn@gmail.com
Trauma-informed care
Victim Advocacy